Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 6/12/2017 - 7:00 PM
Category: Business/Action Items
Type: Action
Subject: 18.2 Public Hearing of Proposed Budget 2017-18
LCAP (Local Control Accountability Plan) Goal:
Strategic Initiative 5.2 Optimal Operations and Infrastructure
Ensure Fiscal stability and accountability through effective stewardship of financial assets and funding sources.
Enclosure 2017/18 Proposed Budget
File Attachment:
MDUSD 17-18 Proposed Budget 6-12-17.pdf
2017-18 Proposed Budget Pwpt 6-12-17.pdf
Summary: The 2017-18 Proposed Budget includes earlier actions taken by the Board of Education; the Governor's May Revise; and costs associated with moving from one year to the next, such as moving employee's salaries through the salary schedule and changes in the employee benefit rate.
Funding: The Budget covers all funds of the District.
Fiscal Impact Not Applicable
Recommendation: For information only. The 2017/18 Proposed Budget to be presented for adoption on 6/26/17.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Nance Juner - Director of Fiscal Services
Signed By:
Dr. Nellie Meyer - Superintendent
Vote Results: