Agenda Item
Meeting Date:
11/13/2017 - 7:00 PM  
Business/Action Items  
18.1 Pilot of Student Transfer Program  
LCAP (Local Control Accountability Plan) Goal:
File Attachment:
This item is a recommendation for a review of the priority enrollment currently in Administrative Regulation 5116.1,
Intradistrict Open Enrollment. Our current priority order for transfers is:

1. First Priority: Students currently residing within a school's attendance area (Education Code 35160.5)

2. Second Priority: Intradistrict Transfer Requests from siblings of students currently enrolled in school of request

3. Third Priority: Students whose parent/guardian is employed by Mt. Diablo Unified School District. Priority criteria will only apply for the duration of the parent/guardian's employment by Mt. Diablo Unified School District.

4. Fourth Priority: Students residing in a neighborhood where attendance has been established by agreement.

5. Fifth Priority: Students enrolled in a district school receiving Title 1 funds that has been identified for program improvement (PI).

6. Sixth Priority: Students enrolled in a district school that has been identified on the State’s Open Enrollment List.

7. Seventh Priority: Students enrolled in a district school designed by the California Department of Education as “persistently dangerous”.

8. Eighth Priority: All students who are residents of the district not described above.

This recommendation is to change the priority order to:

1. Residents
2. Siblings
3. Employees
4. Cohorts moving from one level to another
5. Academic Programs

All of these are based on space availability and only resident status is guaranteed.

Residents: Students currently residing within a school's attendance area (Education Code 35160.5)

Siblings: Intradistrict Transfer Requests from siblings of students currently enrolled in school of request

Employees: Employees are currently defined in board policy as follows: Students whose parent/guardian is employed by Mt. Diablo Unified School District. Priority criteria will only apply for the duration of the parent/guardian's employment by Mt. Diablo Unified School District.

Cohort: A cohort is defined as a group of students moving from one level to another. For example, Riverview to Mt. Diablo High, Valley View to College Park, El Dorado to Concord High, and Foothill to Northgate. It also includes the various feeder patterns traveling from elementary school to middle schools.

Academic Programs: Academic Programs will be in development, but include a continuation of a specialized program such as International Baccalaureate or Dual Immersion.

Space available will be determined by current enrollment but will be adjusted as needed. A district wide facility plan will assist in determining the capped number. The goal is to enter into a cohort (resident, cohort only, program) in Elementary school and to stay K-12. New transfers will be limited at each level to residents past the entry year unless entering a magnet program.

Metrics: Metrics will be used to analyze and determine effectiveness of this pilot. The goal of the district is to "right size" schools and to aim for a more uniform enrollment. The goal also is to keep students together in order to support their educational program. Stability of Enrollment at each campus, Number of Transfer requests, Students staying in cohort, Number of denials of transfers, location of denials, and other metrics that are deemed significant.

Magnets: Current magnets may or may not have a complete K-12 feeder pattern. We currently have IB 6-12, Monte Gardens/Sequoia to Sequoia Middle K-8.

Length of Pilot: This will be a multi year pilot with annual information/metrics brought forward to the board.
Fiscal Impact:
This item is being presented for information at this time.  
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Debbie Maher - Sr. Administrative Executive Assistant to the Superintendent
Signed By:  
Dr. Nellie Meyer - Superintendent